with Master Richard Van Donk
This Body and Health Rejuvenation Daily Practice is a comprehensive integrative body workout that will help energize your body, create flexibility in your joints and muscles, stimulate your nerves, increase your blood flow, enhance mental sharpness and if done regularly will increase the quality of your health and life.
It is far more than just a routine exercise program.
For over 30 years Richard has been on a quest for an ultimate Self-Treatment Healing Daily rejuvenation practice. THIS IS HIS OWN DAILY PRACTICE!!
In this Daily practice he combines joint freeing, stretching, Bio-energetics, Hatha Yoga, Meridian activations, acupuncture points, nerve systems activations, TCM/TJM Traditional Chinese\Japanese medicine, Amatsu techniques from Dr. Chris Roworth, martial arts advanced Junan Taiso methods of Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi and Chi Kung energy flow techniques.
Rejuvenate Yourself! Anyone can do this practice!! Do a daily practice that will transform your body!!
Only $34.95 (plus some daily effort) will change your health and life.Only $29.95 - Enjoy Online Version- No Shipping - No VAT - Instant Access + More content - Save Money.
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
I love this rejuvenation DVD.
Good stuff
Learning it . Helping my flexibility some so far. Definitely loosens up the joints and keeps body looser.
This video is much deeper than a warm up and stretch session. It constitutes your ability to know your weaknesses and work to repair them.
The ability to take care of yourself . And listen to your body is in these teachings. I highly reccomend this to the mature and older martial artist. Daishihan passes on much of the knowledge he gained from Hatsumis health ways.
Highly recommended!
I just started the routine & it is great! Highly recommended!